Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Make New Friends But Keep the Old: The Combination of Past, Present, and Future

Saturday morning, I sat down to create a list of people to see in this next few weeks when I am home, and I realized something: I had spent so much time worrying about leaving all of my amazing friends and mentors at school that I managed to forget how many amazing people I had at home. As I have spent the last few days exchanging texts, Facebook messages, and emails with old teachers, friends, and mentors--the lines blurring between those titles as I get older--I felt the past, the present and the future beginning to combine. In high school, you build relationships with the people around you, and while you do have some choice in who that is, the relationships are more limited by circumstance. But now that I am out of high school and 25% of the way through college, I realize that choosing who from your past you want to bring with you in a real way into your future is a very important task.

Looking back, a year after graduation, to quote John Green, "I see a life that I am now very grateful to have beginning to happen."But I didn't know who I would end up needing to thank.  And I didn't realize how much I would need to thank them for. And I don't think I could've known without the amazing people who I met this year who will become part of my future as well. I am so grateful to have so many coffee dates and meals scheduled with such amazing people over the next few weeks. My heart is filled to the brim with gratitude for the people who have helped me and loved me.

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